Sunday, December 29, 2019

Essay on Fat Tax - 2853 Words

ABSTRACT Obesity is an epidemic that is sweeping the United States at a rapid speed, and it kills. Obesity is responsible for killing more people than anything else, except for smoking. It affects people of all ages, races, income levels, and geographic locations. Obesity brings with it a myriad of problems that the individuals who suffer from it face, as well as social problems that are felt by people in all walks of life. There are astronomical costs that are attributed to it, being paid by society in the form of medical fees, unemployment benefits, and other miscellaneous costs. This report proposes that these costs and problems need to be addressed, and one avenue through which they can be is a junk food tax. This report†¦show more content†¦However, these issues will be positively affected by this proposal as well. It is also important to note that this problem is not isolated to a specific group of individuals, although there are groups that are higher risk than others. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), anyone can become obese but â€Å"†¦the risk for becoming overweight and obese tends to be higher among members of racial and ethnic minority populations such as African Americans and Hispanic Americans. In addition, the disease tends to be more common among individuals of lower socio-economic status† (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2005). This indicates that there are groups whose members are more likely to become obese. Because of the trend for junk food to cost less than more healthy alternatives, those who have less access to financial resources are more likely to be come obese. As serious as obesity is, this issue is not a new one for our nation. Obesity has been a problem that has been addressed and studied since before the early 1930s, when doctors began to see a link between obesity and shorter life span (Pool, 2001, p. 7). Since then, and most noticeably in the last twenty years, obesity has swept our nation to become a condition that plagues more than 60 million adults in America, nearly one in three adults in this country (Figure 1). Jessica Bazzi, RN, stated that inShow MoreRelatedThe Implementation Of A Fat Tax1158 Words   |  5 Pages The implementation of a â€Å"Fat Tax† is a topic that has been considered before in the UK. This is an additional tax on junk food, seeking to reduce the consumption of products containing high levels of fats, sugars and cholesterol. One of the primary considerations for such a tax is the scale of the obesity problem in the UK. Today’s obesity level in the UK is three times the 1980s level, currently 24.9% and is the highest in Europe ( 2015). The extent of the UK confectionery market size, whichRead MoreFat Tax792 Words   |  4 PagesChristine Hammond Instructor Knight English 111 22 June 2015 Fat Tax: Why It Will Not Work Two out of every three Americans are considered to be overweight or obese. The growing obesity rate has led to high cholesterol, and an increase in chronic diseases such as hypertension, diabetes, and cancer. Can a tax on sugar and fat laden â€Å"junk† foods curb over-consumption? This works in theory, but in reality there are solid reasons why this tax won’t work. There are a large number of Americans that liveRead MoreThe Fat Tax Essay1341 Words   |  6 PagesOne of these solutions is a â€Å"Fat Tax† where the government levies an additional tax on unhealthy food. However, there are many obstacles baring its way to law. While there are reasons that a fat tax might be a good idea, there are many negative aspects relating to America’s health care system, and its people that clearly overshadow the possible benefits. For instance, some people believe that obesity is clogging our health care system but many experts belie that any tax on food could have unintendedRead MoreBenefits Of A Fat Tax Essay1189 Words   |  5 Pagesobesity problem is to introduce a fat tax. However, New Zealand should not introduce a fat tax as it would be unfair, as those who are not obese would be forced to bear the costs, regressive, as it would mainly affect poorer and older consumers, and ineffective, as there is no research to suggest that it works. Opponent’s position My opponent believes that a fat tax would redistribute consumption away from unhealthy food and towards healthy foods, and raise tax money that could be spent on promotingRead MoreFat Tax On Junk Food930 Words   |  4 PagesThe idea of implementing Fat Tax on junk food in the U.S. has been in the works for quite some time. California is first in the nation to implement the â€Å"fat tax†. This tax will be applied to any items containing more than 2.3% saturated fat, including, dairy products such as cheese and milk, processed foods, pizza, soda, and candy. The purpose of such a tax is to deter consumers from purchasing these unhealthy foods and lower the obesity rate. According to Ogden, Carroll, Kit and Flegal (2014)Read MoreThe Fat Tax : Paying By The Pound2090 Words   |  9 Pages The Fat Tax: Paying by the Pound Natalie Duncan KHP 3316 Community Nutrition Troy University I. Introduction II. What is a fat tax? A. Definition 1. Purpose. 2. History. 3. Examples. B. Types of Food Taxed 1. Nutrient poor foods. 2. Junk/Snack foods. 3. Sugary beverages. III. Proposed Benefits and Negative Consequences A. Advantages of a Fat Tax 1. Reduction of obesity rate. 2. Increase in revenue. 3. Lowered health care costs. B. Disadvantages of a Fat Tax 1. InfringesRead MoreThe Fat Tax Should Not Cure Obesity901 Words   |  4 PagesThe fat tax in America; an attempt to improve the obesity epidemic using the legislature. The fat tax will not cure obesity in America however, one idea is it will be used as an incentive to help improve the eating habits of Americans. The revenue collected can be used to enhance education as well as implement programs to teach healthy lifestyle tips such as exercise, and even implementing gyms in places like community centers. Another suggestion is to reduce cost of healthy foods using some of theRead MoreThe Fat Tax Should Not Cure Obesity893 Words   |  4 PagesThe fat tax in America, an attempt to improve the obesity epidemic using the legislature. The fat tax will not cure obesity in America. One idea is it will be used as an incentive to help improve the eating habits of Americans. The revenue collected can be used to enhance education as well as implement programs to teach healthy life style tips such as exersice and even implamenting gyms in placeces like community centers, another suggestion is to reduce cost of healthy foods using some of theRead MoreFat Tax for Australia: Obesity Epidemic1723 Words   |  7 Pages Fat Tax for Australia Introduction There is what has been referred to as obesity epidemic in Australia today. This trend affects everyone it the society; whether it be directly or indirectly. One particular concern within the at risk segment is children. The young in our society do not have the capacity, either mentally or the physical resources, to make their own informed decisions about their dietary consumption. Children are generally dependent upon their parents or institutions toRead MoreFat Tax on Fast Food in Australia Essay642 Words   |  3 Pagesis clinically overweight. A high fat tax on fast food and unhealthy drinks may help slow the world’s rising rates of obesity, as a recent study published in the British Medical Journal suggests. The $2.50 price hike on cigarette tax in 2013 is expected to have stopped a quarter of a million Australians from smoking, as predicted by The Cancer Council. It is expected that a blanket tax on fast foods would work in the same way. According to the same study, a tax of just twenty percent on sugar-sweetened

Friday, December 20, 2019

Marketing at vanguard - 1139 Words

Problem Definition Senior executives at Vanguard are evaluating their marketing strategy. In particular, they are looking at their approach to market segmentation, the organization of the marketing function, and the emphasis placed on marketing metrics in the corporate dashboard in light of an economic and stock market downturn. Situation Assessment Strengths  · Low cost high value; extremely low advertising spending and no large sales force.  · Customer focused  · High morale; Low employee turnover; high productivity  · Management involvement  · Horizontal organizational structure  · Use of Six Sigma methodologies to cut expenses, gain efficiencies  · Excellent use of benchmarking  · Centralized customer relationship management  · Use†¦show more content†¦How can Vanguard be expected to compete in face of other challenges such as institutional and regulatory hurdles as well as smaller populations overseas? Marketing segmentation was a competency that has worked for Vanguard in the past. However, customers may resent excessive categorization based on perceived investing habits or income extrapolations by Vanguard. The customers may view Vanguard as a Big Brother who pries into his or her personal lifestyle by monitoring their investment trends and then tailoring an investment plan for them with those assumptions. If you examine the potential target market sizing, the United States presents a wide array of opportunities with its varied ethnic groups. Companies such as Metlife and Citibank have done well by tapping into those markets and creating an investment niche. Rather than market segmentation based on investment habits, age or income; it may be advantageous for Vanguard to pursue these markets after conducting market tests or investment studies. Even if Vanguard decided to aggressively target certain niche targets in its sales and marketing campaign, the potential dividends reaped from doing so are far expected to outweigh the costs as it currently spends about 20 cents out of every $10,000 invested to drum up new business which is well below industry norms. Certainly newspaper advertisements as thoseShow MoreRelatedMarketing At The Vanguard Group Essay1989 Words   |  8 PagesMarketing at the Vanguard Group In light of an evolving market, faced with new competitors, and after a careful analysis of their current customers, the Vanguard Group (hereinafter referred to as â€Å"Vanguard†) realizes it must rethink its entire marketing strategy. 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Explain their rationale. 4. Discuss the pros and cons of Life-Cycle funds. Explain their rationale. 5. Are the Life-Style funds or the life-Cycle funds consistent with the theory (MeanVariance approach)? 6. Would you invest in either Life-Style or Life-CycleRead More: Managerial Economics Essay1336 Words   |  6 PagesThe director of marketing at Vanguard Corporation believes the sales of the company’s Bright Side Laundry detergent (S) are related to Vanguard’s own advertising expenditure (A), as well as the combined advertising expenditures of its three biggest rival detergents (R). The marketing director collects 36 weekly observations on S, A, and R to estimate the following multiple regression equation: S = a + bA + cR Where S, A, R are measured in dollars per week. Vanguard’s marketing director is comfortableRead MoreWeek 2 Applied Problems Essay1104 Words   |  5 Pagesfraction of the total variation in sales of Bright Side remains unexplained? What can the marketing director do to increase the explanatory power of the sales equation? What other explanatory variables might be added to this equation? 1-r2 (r-squared) = 1 – 0.2247 = 0.7753 According to the previous calculations, 0.7753 of the total variation in sales of Bright Side remains unexplainable. If the marketing director wants to increase the explanatory power of the sales equation, he or she should considerRead MoreBus640 Managerial Economics Essay example944 Words   |  4 PagesThe director of marketing at Vanguard Corporation believes that sales of the company’s Bright Side laundry detergent (S) are related to Vanguard’s own advertising expenditure (A), as well as the combined advertising expenditures of its three biggest rival detergents (R). The marketing director collects 36 weekly observations on S, A, and R to estimate the following multiple regression equation: S = a + bA + cR where S, A, and R are measured in dollars per week. Vanguard’s marketing director is comfortable

Thursday, December 12, 2019

Metallgesellschaft Ag free essay sample

For example, if fuel prices rise, the profit margin for MGRM could decrease or could turn into a loss position. As such, MGRM chose to hedge this exposure by using offsetting long positions with gasoline, heating oil, and crude oil futures on NYMEX. It’s important to note that the magnitude and complexity of contracts for MGRM made it difficult to hedge this position. One of the complicating factors for MGRM was that although these contracts had the same term, the details of delivery varied per contract. Some contracts stated monthly, and others stated longer term delivery. MGRM was also only able to hedge 55 million of the 160 million barrels through long futures on NYMEX. The remaining 105 million barrels were hedged using bilateral swaps. Due to the aforementioned issues, MGRM entered into a â€Å"stack and roll† strategy. In this case, MGRM would enter into short term (1 month) long positions for the entire exposure. We will write a custom essay sample on Metallgesellschaft Ag or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page At the end of each month, MGRM would swap out the 1 month position for another 1 month long position for the remaining exposure. This sounds like a reasonable hedging strategy. In this case, any changes in the value of the contracts would be offset by the hedge. However, there are additional risks to be considered before entering into a hedging program of this size. First, each futures contract would require an outflow based on the current oil price. If oil prices fall, then MGRM would be required to pay a large cash outflow (again, based on the magnitude of the hedged position) to keep the hedge. This scenario occurred in late 1993, when oil prices fell drastically and MGRM had to pay 900 million to meet margin calls and extra collateral requirements. Also, due to the fact that MGRM rolls the hedges on a monthly basis, this opens MGRM to month to moth spot risk. If the spot rate moves against MGRM in the month (contango), this creates a cash outflow for MGRM. (Historically, oil futures were in backwardation – so MGRM would have received cash inflows if this continued). Based on the size of the hedges and the contango position in the market, MGRM ended up paying a cash outflow of up to 30 million each month (solely on rolling the hedge). Another issue with this strategy is the mismatch of the MGRM contracts versus the hedge. MGRM chose to hedge long term forwards with short term futures. There is an additional risk in that the basis points of long term forwards versus short term futures may differ even though spot at the time is the same. This is known as basis risk. Due to all these factors, MGRM senior management decided to remove the hedge position. Unfortunately, this left MGRM vulnerable to price volatility on their 5 to 10 year customer contracts. As such, MGRM closed their hedges near the bottom of the market – oil prices rebounded during 1994. This caused additional losses for the company of greater than 1 billion, which bankrupted both MGRM and the parent company Metallgesellschaft AG.